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ESG Strategy 2024-2026

The people at the heart of our strategy

The year 2023 marked a significant evolution in Grupo Mac’s social responsibility strategy, a strategy that, as far back as 2016, we began structuring towards a more transversal approach that combined aspects relating to the Environment, Social responsibility, and Good Governance, or ESG.

Among the sustainability, governance and people-related commitments that will guide our actions from 2024 to 2026, we identify PEOPLE and the recognition of their expectations and needs as the true protagonists and guiding principles of our ESG programme:

  • The PEOPLE who work in our hotels.
  • The PEOPLE who come to stay in our hotels.
  • The PEOPLE who manage our company with transparency, rigour, accessibility and enthusiasm.
  • The PEOPLE who are impacted by our initiatives and projects and who benefit from the positive impact we want to create.

People are the driving force behind and embodiment of our purpose.

The four pillars of our ESG policy are:


Ethics and good governance


Management “of and with” the people of Grupo Mac


Collaboration with and commitment to society


Sustainability management

{34}These core values are reinforced via the group’s renewed strategic 2024-2026 objectives that will govern the action plans in these four areas.


Annual Report

In an effort to objectively assess our success and the evolution of our performance we employ an Indicator Scorecard that has been continuously updated since 2016. In 2023, we expanded these indicators to include Non-Financial Information Reports (NFIS) requirements, and in 2024 we will expand them with to include the new ESRS reporting standards derived from the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive CSRD.

Our ESG criteria are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to address the global sustainable development challenges of the 2030 agenda.

RSC Annual Report 2022

ESG Annual Report 2023